Psychedelic Information Theory

Shamanism in the Age of Reason

Search Results : "gamma coherence"

Showing 1 to 8 of 8

Impairments in frontal cortical gamma synchrony and cognitive control in schizophrenia

A critical component of cognitive impairments in schizophrenia can be characterized as a disturbance in cognitive control, or the ability to guide and adjust cognitive processes and behavior flexibly in accordance with one's intentions and goals. Cog...

An Overview of Physical Shamanism

... whistling or high pitched melody drives beta and gamma coherence, creating sharp mustisensory synesthesia of rising eidetic images. A guttural croaking or a resonant bass line amplifies the attack and decay of stacking hallucinogenic frames. A shama...

Entoptic Hallucination

... increased power in high frequency beta and gamma coherence,13,14 but in the context of shamanic ritual shows increased power in slow-wave theta activity.15 Eidetic hallucination is considered to be rendered photographically or presented as a ...

Topographic pharmaco-EEG mapping of the effects of the South American psychoactive beverage ayahuasca in healthy volunteers

Annotation: This study reports increase in power in high beta-3 and beta-4 bands and decrease in power in theta bands following ayahuasca intoxication. Aims Ayahuasca is a traditional South American psychoactive beverage used in Amazonian sham...

What is Consciousness?

... within the alpha and beta ranges; high frequency gamma coherence is associated with the fast binding of cortical networks necessary for perception and consciousness.8 Modular coherence is the first operating property of a conscious system; precise t...

Theta and gamma coherence along the septotemporal axis of the hippocampus

... The present study examined theta and gamma coherence along the septotemporal (long) axis of the hippocampus in rats during REM sleep, a behavioral state during which theta signals are unaffected by external sensory input or ongoing behav...

Gamma coherence and conscious perception

... To investigate the relation of gamma coherence and perception. Methods: Digital intracranial electrocorticographic recordings from implanted electrodes were obtained in six patients with intractable epilepsy during a simple soma...

EEG gamma coherence and other correlates of subjective reports during ayahuasca experiences

... We believe that finding increases in global gamma coherence during peak psychedelic experiences might contribute to the discussion of binding theory. Also, in light of recent research with gamma coherence during advanced meditative conditions, ...

Showing 1 to 8 of 8